Posted tagged ‘famous romantic movie quotes’

Bernard M Baruch Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

Approach each new problem not with a view of finding what you hope will be there, but to get the truth, the realities that must be grappled with. You may not like what you find. In that case you are entitled to try to change it. But do not deceive yourself as to what you do find to be the facts of the situation.
~Author : Bernard M Baruch Famous Quotes

Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn’t matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
~Author : Anthony Hope Inspirational Sayings

Actuated by the most glorious cause that mankind ever fought in, I am determined to defend this post to the very last extremity.
~Author : Colonel Morgan In response to the British demand of the surrender of Fort Washington Nice Quotes

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
~Author : David Russell Great Sayings

Men should not try to overstrain their goodness more than any other faculty.
~Author : Samuel Butler Meaningful Sayings

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
~Author : Edmund Burke Wise Quotes

No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.
~Author : Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Motivational Sayings

Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.
~Author : H P Lovecraft The White Ship Famous Quotes

Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.
~Author : Izaak Walton Inspirational Sayings

Just the omission of Jane Austen’s books alone would make a fairly good library out of a library that hadn’t a book in it.
~Author : Mark Twain Nice Quotes

Dont go through life, GROW through life.
~Author : Eric Butterworth Great Sayings

Many a man thinks he has an open mind, when it’s merely vacant.
~Author : Unknown Meaningful Sayings

The Future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
~Author : Clive Staples Lewis Wise Quotes

I still say a church steeple with a lightening rod on top shows a lack of confidence.
~Author : Doug McLeod Motivational Sayings

One should always be wary of anyone who promises that their love will last longer than a weekend.
~Author : Quentin Crisp Famous Quotes

God knows that a mother needs fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul. But because I happen to be a parent of almost fiercely maternal nature, I praise casualness . It seems to me the rarest of virtues. It is useful enough when children are small. It is important to the point of necessity when they are adolescents.
~Author : Phyllis Mcginley Inspirational Sayings

It is with true love as it is with ghosts everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.
~Author : La Rochefoucauld Nice Quotes

Statistics show that we lose more fools on this day than on all other days of the year put together. This proves, by the numbers left in stock, that one Fourth of July per year is now inadequate, the country has grown so.
~Author : Mark Twain Great Sayings

Justice does not come from the outside. It comes from inner peace.
~Author : Barbara Hall Meaningful Sayings

If you would be loved, love and be lovable.
~Author : Benjamin Franklin Wise Quotes

The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as men, but we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway.
~Author : Bernard Avishai Motivational Sayings

The go-between wears out a thousand sandals.
~Author : Japanese Proverb Famous Quotes

When things haven’t gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will sleep better and they will appreciate the attention.
~Author : Lyndon B Johnson Inspirational Sayings

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
~Author : Giordano Bruno Nice Quotes

DISCLAIMER: A society where such disclaimers are needed is saddening.
~Author : Unknown Great Sayings

Keep your conscious mind focused on what you want, and your subconscious mind will unerringly guide you to it.
~Author : Unknown Meaningful Sayings

It is our task in our time and in our generation to hand down undiminished to those who come after us, as was handed down to us by those who went before, the natural wealth and beauty which is ours.
~Author : John F Kennedy Wise Quotes

Well, you’re either lovers or you’re wanting to be lovers or you’re trying not to be lovers so you can be friends, but any way you look at it, sex is always looming in the picture like a shadow, like an undertow.
~Author : Andrew Schneider Motivational Sayings

You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can see the whole trip that way.

May 19, 2009

Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic and it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.
~Author : Vannevar Bush Famous Quotes

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.
~Author : Albert Einstein Inspirational Sayings

What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress Imagine that you are a Masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath.
~Author : Thomas Crum Nice Quotes

You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can see the whole trip that way.
~Author : E L Doctorow Great Sayings

Death is a veil which those who live call life, Sleep and it is lifted.
~Author : Percy B Shelley Meaningful Sayings

Men are born to succeed, not fail.
~Author : Henry David Thoreau Wise Quotes

Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.
~Author : Salvador Dali Motivational Sayings

I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.
~Author : Vincent van Gogh Famous Quotes

Never read a book through merely because you have begun it.
~Author : John Witherspoon Inspirational Sayings

You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough.
~Author : Joe E Lewis Nice Quotes

If there?s one thing I know it?s God does love a good joke.
~Author : Hugh Elliott Standing Room Only weblog 050104 Great Sayings

There are plenty of good five-cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter. What this country really needs is a good five-cent nickel.
~Author : Franklin P Adams Meaningful Sayings

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
~Author : Edward Everett Wise Quotes

The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.
~Author : Lord Acton Letter to Mary Gladstone 1881 Motivational Sayings

All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.
~Author : Stendhal Famous Quotes

Nonsense and noise will oft prevail, when honour and affection fail.
~Author : William Lloyd Inspirational Sayings

Dost thou love life Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.
~Author : Benjamin Franklin Nice Quotes

I have nothing but confidence in you. And very little of that.
~Author : Groucho Marx Great Sayings

Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.
~Author : Robert Ingersoll Meaningful Sayings

Politics is still crucially important. Our choices are vital, and we’ve got to make them, and not just say, ‘Oh, they’re all the same.’ They are all the same in certain ways, alas — a political animal is such an animal. But lurking somewhere behind their rhetoric and their spittle are important choices that we should make.
~Author : Dennis Potter Wise Quotes

Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.
~Author : Willis Whitney Motivational Sayings

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
~Author : Lenny Bruce Famous Quotes

We often use strong language not to express a powerful emotion but to evoke it in us.
~Author : Eric Hoffer Inspirational Sayings

I would rather be a coward than brave because people hurt you when you are brave.
~Author : E M Forster Nice Quotes

Do you think that the things people make fools of themselves about are any less real and true than the things they behave sensibly about They are more true they are the only things that are true.
~Author : George Bernard Shaw Great Sayings

Make voyages – Attempt them – there’s nothing else…
~Author : Tennessee Williams Meaningful Sayings

Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand.
~Author : George Eliot Wise Quotes

In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
~Author : David BenGurion Motivational Sayings

Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn’t block traffic.

May 16, 2009

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.
~Author : Hazrat Inayat Khan Famous Quotes

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.
~Author : Charles Dickens Inspirational Sayings

A coalition of groups … is waging a massive propaganda campaign against the president of the United States. … an all-out attack. Their aim is total victory for themselves and total defeat for him. (On Watergate crisis)
~Author : Gerald R Ford Nice Quotes

It used to take courage–indeed, it was the act of courage par excellence–to leave the comforts of home and family and go out into the world seeking adventure. Today there are fewer places to discover, and the real adventure is to stay at home.
~Author : Alvaro de Solva Great Sayings

Both the cockroach and the bird could get along very well without us, although the cockroach would miss us most.
~Author : Joseph Wood Krutch Meaningful Sayings

Success and failure are equally disastrous.
~Author : Tennessee Williams Wise Quotes

I did it partly because it was worth it, but mostly because I shall never have to do it again.
~Author : Mark Twain Motivational Sayings

Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn’t block traffic.
~Author : Dan Rather Famous Quotes

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
~Author : Niccolo Machiavelli Inspirational Sayings

Trust no future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead Act, – act in the living Present Heart within and God overhead.
~Author : Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Nice Quotes

The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts.
~Author : Omar Bradley Speech to Boston Chamber of Commerce 1948 Great Sayings

Viewed from the summit of reason, all life looks like a malignant disease and the world like a madhouse.
~Author : Johann von Goethe Meaningful Sayings

There is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists, or simulate it where it does not.
~Author : La Rochefoucauld Wise Quotes

Swindon What will history say Burgoyne History, sir, will tell lies as usual.
~Author : George Bernard Shaw Motivational Sayings

I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather for my life to interpret my dreams.
~Author : Susan Sontag Famous Quotes

Living in a vacuum sucks.
~Author : Adrienne E Gusoff Inspirational Sayings

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
~Author : Shakespeare Nice Quotes

To a quick question, give a slow answer.
~Author : Italian Proverb Great Sayings

At the end of six innings of play, it’s Montreal 5, Expos 3.
~Author : Jerry Coleman Meaningful Sayings

We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.
~Author : Anton Chekhov 1897 Wise Quotes

They eat the dainty food of gamous chefs with the same pleasure with which they devour gross peasant dishes, mostly composed of garlic and tomatoes, or fisherman’s octopus and shrimps, fried in heavily scented olive oil on a little deserted beach.
~Author : Luigi Barzini Motivational Sayings

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.
~Author : Tao Le Ching Famous Quotes

You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.
~Author : Charles Buxton Inspirational Sayings

The mirror never sees itself. The reflection never is itself.
~Author : J Gregory Keyes Babylon 5 Dark Genesis The Birth of the Psi Corps Nice Quotes

If thou are a master, be sometimes blind if a servant, sometimes deaf.
~Author : Thomas Fuller Great Sayings

Man is what he believes.
~Author : Anton Chekhov Meaningful Sayings

Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.
~Author : Mohammed Neguib Wise Quotes

I’m a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me.
~Author : Toni Morrison Motivational Sayings