Posted tagged ‘christian sayings’

There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.

May 19, 2009

We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.
~Author : Tom Stoppard Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 1967 Famous Quotes

Success and failure are both difficult to endure. Along with success come drugs, divorce, fornication, bullying, travel, meditation, medication, depression, neurosis and suicide. With failure comes failure.
~Author : Joseph Heller Inspirational Sayings

The human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by winds blowing from all four corners of heaven.
~Author : Martin Luther Nice Quotes

There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.
~Author : Denis Diderot Great Sayings

One man may hit the mark, another blunder but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born.
~Author : Antoine De SaintExupery Meaningful Sayings

Physical pain however great ends in itself and falls away like dry husks from the mind, whilst moral discords and nervous horrors sear the soul.
~Author : Alice James Wise Quotes

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
~Author : Helen Keller Motivational Sayings

Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.
~Author : Lord Chesterfield Famous Quotes

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.
~Author : Anais Nin Inspirational Sayings

You know, I think that if parents would spend less time worrying about what their kids watch on TV and more time worrying about what’s going on in their kids’ lives, this world would be a much better place.
~Author : Trey and Matt Stone Parker Nice Quotes

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.
~Author : John Maynard Keynes Great Sayings

Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
~Author : Samuel Ullman Meaningful Sayings

Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it.
~Author : Author Unknown Wise Quotes

Part of the power of Emerson’s individualism is his insistence, at crucial moments, that individualism does not mean isolation or self-sufficiency. This is not a paradox, for it is only the strong individual who can frankly concede the sometimes surprising extent of his own dependence.
~Author : Robert D Richardson Motivational Sayings

A liberal is a person whose interests aren’t at stake at the moment.
~Author : Willis Player Famous Quotes

I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.
~Author : Nancy Reagan Inspirational Sayings

We are generally the better persuaded by the reasons we discover ourselves than by those given to us by others.
~Author : Blaise Pascal Nice Quotes

Many brave men lived before Agamemnon; but all are overwhelmed in eternal night, unwept, unknown, because they lack a sacred poet.
~Author : Horace Odes Great Sayings

The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness.
~Author : Max Eastman Meaningful Sayings

Learning makes a man fit company for himself.
~Author : Thomas Fuller Wise Quotes

Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.
~Author : Andr Gide Motivational Sayings

All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife . Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself, and never mind the rest.
~Author : Beatrix Potter Famous Quotes

Words, as is well known, are great foes of reality.
~Author : Joseph Conrad Inspirational Sayings

Big shots are only little shots who kept on shooting.
~Author : Dale Carnegie Nice Quotes

Death ends a life, not a relationship.
~Author : Morrie Schwartz Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Great Sayings

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
~Author : Sir Walter Scott Marmion Canto vi Stanza 17 Meaningful Sayings

Some disguised deceits counterfeit truth so perfectly that not to be taken in by them would be an error of judgment.
~Author : La Rochefoucauld Wise Quotes

Haste in every business brings failures.
~Author : Herodotus The Histories of Herodotus Motivational Sayings

Life is too brief. I had a friend whom I intended to know better. Yesterday he died.

May 16, 2009

Plant a kernel of wheat and you reap a pint; plant a pint and you reap a bushel. Always the law works to give you back more than you give.
~Author : Anthony Norvell Famous Quotes

Life is too brief. I had a friend whom I intended to know better. Yesterday he died.
~Author : David Grayson Inspirational Sayings

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
~Author : Henry David Thoreau Nice Quotes

Live the questions.
~Author : Rainer Maria Rilke Great Sayings

The whole world is a man’s birthplace.
~Author : Caecilius Statius Meaningful Sayings

We make ourselves a ladder out of our vices if we trample the vices themselves underfoot.
~Author : Saint Augustine Wise Quotes

The more one works, the more willing one is to work.
~Author : Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield Motivational Sayings

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
~Author : Mark Twain Famous Quotes

We are here to change the world with small acts of thoughtfulness done daily rather than with one great breakthrough.
~Author : Rabbi Harold Kushner Inspirational Sayings

I cannot conceive otherwise than that He, the Infinite Father, expects or requires no worship or praise from us, but that He is even infinitely above it.
~Author : Benjamin Franklin Nice Quotes

Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
~Author : Douglas Adams Great Sayings

The great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters.
~Author : Sir Harold George Nicolson Meaningful Sayings

I never know how much of what I say is true.
~Author : Bette Midler Wise Quotes

That it will never come again is what makes life sweet.
~Author : Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Motivational Sayings

When women kiss, it always reminds me of prizefighters shaking hands.
~Author : H L Mencken Famous Quotes

I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I’ll never see a tree at all.
~Author : Ogden Nash Inspirational Sayings

Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling,
Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal,
Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling;
The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel.
~Author : George Du Maurier Nice Quotes

Truth is subject to too much analysis.
~Author : Frank Herbert Dune Great Sayings

How do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values
~Author : Alan Greenspan Meaningful Sayings

With reasonable men I will reason with humane men I will plea but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.
~Author : William Lloyd Garrison Wise Quotes

Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character.
~Author : Henry Clay Motivational Sayings

My parents only had one argument in forty-five years. It lasted forty-three years.
~Author : Cathy Ladman Famous Quotes

Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations, and not to be constrained by force.
~Author : Flavius Josephus Inspirational Sayings

You want to raise your child in such a way that you don?t have to control him, so that he will be in full possession of himself at all times. Upon that depends his good behavior, his health, his sanity.
~Author : L Ron Hubbard Book Child Dianetics Nice Quotes

What are man and woman if not members of two very different and warring tribes Yet decade after decade, century after century, they attempt in marriage to reconcile and forge a union. Why I don’t know. Biological imperative Divine law Or just a desire to connect to that mysterious other In any case, it’s always struck me as a hopeful thing.
~Author : Andrew Schneider Great Sayings

Shared joy is double joy. Shared sorrow is half sorrow.
~Author : Swedish Proverb Meaningful Sayings

Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.
~Author : Robert Henri Wise Quotes

It is one of the great secrets of life that those things which are most worth doing, we do for others.
~Author : Lewis Carroll Motivational Sayings