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oscar wilde Quoted in Ellmann Famous Quotes

August 19, 2009

It often happens that the real tragedies in life occur in such an inarticulate manner that they hurt one by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style.
~Author : oscar wilde Quoted in Ellmann Famous Quotes

My evening visitors, if they cannot see the clock, should find the time in my face.
~Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson Inspirational Sayings

Would ye both eat your cake and have your cakeThis is commonly misquotes as You can’t have you’re cake and eat it, too.
~Author : John Heywood Nice Quotes

See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way…
~Author : Exodus 2320 Bible Great Sayings

In my day, we didn’t have self-esteem, we had self-respect, and no more of it than we had earned.
~Author : Jane Haddam Meaningful Sayings

Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with.
~Author : Leighton Wise Quotes

I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don’t just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.
~Author : Jack Handey Deep Thoughts Motivational Sayings

Do not weep do not wax indignant. Understand.
~Author : Baruch Spinoza Famous Quotes

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.
~Author : Sigmund Freud Inspirational Sayings

D H Lawrence Famous Quotes

August 19, 2009

For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or “consciously” desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to star, or you will just stay where you are.
~Author : D H Lawrence Famous Quotes

The First Lady is an unpaid public servant elected by one person — her husband.
~Author : Lady Bird Johnson Inspirational Sayings

Continental people have sex-lives the English have hot-water bottles.
~Author : George Mikes Nice Quotes

Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little.
~Author : Edna Ferber Great Sayings

The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
~Author : William James Meaningful Sayings

People want to know how much you care before they care how much you know.
~Author : James F Hind Wise Quotes

Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
~Author : Henry Peter Brougham Motivational Sayings

Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense.
~Author : Thomas Huxley Famous Quotes

Any excuse will serve a tyrant.
~Author : Aesop The Wolf and the Lamb Inspirational Sayings

Erich Fromm Famous Quotes

August 19, 2009

Sleep is often the only occasion in which man cannot silence his conscience; we forget what we knew in our dream.
~Author : Erich Fromm Famous Quotes

As long as I am an American citizen and American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please on any subject.
~Author : Elija Lovejoy Inspirational Sayings

Eloquence is the essential thing in a speech, not information.
~Author : Mark Twain Nice Quotes

Cleo McDowell Look… me and the McDonald’s people got this little misunderstanding. See, they’re McDonald’s… I’m McDowell’s. They got the Golden Arches, mine is the Golden Arcs. They got the Big Mac, I got the Big Mick. We both got two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions, but their buns have sesame seeds. My buns have no seeds.
~Author : Coming to America Great Sayings

So long as we live among men, let us cherish humanity.
~Author : Andre Gide Meaningful Sayings

Johnny Grubb slides into second with a standup double.
~Author : Jerry Coleman Wise Quotes

The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
~Author : Robert Frost Motivational Sayings

Ama me fideliter Fidem meam noto De corde totaliter Et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter Absens in remota.
~Author : Anon Famous Quotes

Religion is a defense against the experience of God.
~Author : Carl Jung Inspirational Sayings

Moorish Proverb Famous Quotes

August 19, 2009

Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.
~Author : Moorish Proverb Famous Quotes

It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me and the sunshine.
~Author : Richard Jefferies Inspirational Sayings

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
~Author : Author Unknown Nice Quotes

“Know thyself,” said the old philosopher, “improve thyself,” saith the new. Our great object in time is not to waste our passions and gifts on the things external that we must leave behind, but that we cultivate within us all that we can carry into the eternal progress beyond.
~Author : Edward BulwerLytton Great Sayings

Of course the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you – if you don’t play, you can’t win.
~Author : Robert A Heinlein Meaningful Sayings

Justice is the truth in action.
~Author : Jeseph Joubert Wise Quotes

Parents are sometimes a bit of a disappointment to their children. They don’t fulfill the promise of their early years.
~Author : Anthony Powell Motivational Sayings

Boredom is a sign of satisfied ignorance, blunted apprehension, crass sympathies, dull understanding, feeble powers of attention, and irreclaimable weakness of character.
~Author : James Bridie Famous Quotes

The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.
~Author : Will Rogers Inspirational Sayings

La Rochefoucauld Famous Quotes

August 19, 2009

Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
~Author : La Rochefoucauld Famous Quotes

He played the king as if afraid someone else would play the ace.
~Author : John Mason Brown drama critic Inspirational Sayings

There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes or makes it the official duty of a president to have anything to do with criminal activities.
~Author : Sam James Ervin Jr Nice Quotes

Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It’s the other way around. They never vote for us.
~Author : J Danforth Quayle Great Sayings

Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.
~Author : Clarence Darrow Meaningful Sayings

Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
~Author : Francois de La Rochefoucauld Wise Quotes

Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.
~Author : William Shakespeare Motivational Sayings

Life is but a moment, death also is but another.
~Author : Dr Robert Schuller Famous Quotes

We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people.
~Author : Arthur Schopenhauer Inspirational Sayings

A shout from chess grandmaster Aaron Nimzovich Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

How could I lose to such an idiot?
~Author : A shout from chess grandmaster Aaron Nimzovich Famous Quotes

There is always something new out of Africa.
~Author : Pliny the Elder Inspirational Sayings

Ambition drove many men to become false; to have one thought locked in the breast, another ready on the tongue.
~Author : Sallust The War with Catiline Nice Quotes

Though thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul.
~Author : John Ray Great Sayings

Marriage is the wastepaper basket of the emotions.
~Author : Leon Botstein Meaningful Sayings

for whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it’s always ourselves we find in the sea
~Author : e e cummings Wise Quotes

It is the difference of opinion that makes horse races.
~Author : Mark Twain Motivational Sayings

Lack of money is the root of all evil.
~Author : George Bernard Shaw Famous Quotes

The more laws, the less justice.
~Author : Cicero Inspirational Sayings

Paul was to know and proclaim God’s will, His purpose, in view of Israel’s rejection of christ. Had god been taken by surprise in the crucifixion of Christ Would He now be forced to resort to some makeshift arrangement No, for the crucifixion was all part of–indeed, the central part of, His secret, eternal plan, now revealed to Paul.
~Author : Cornelius Stam Nice Quotes

Nothing changes your opinion of a friend so surely as success – yours or his.
~Author : Franklin P Jones Saturday Evening Post November 29 1953 Great Sayings

The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect.
~Author : Robert Louis Stevenson Meaningful Sayings

AIDS obliges people to think of sex as having, possibly, the direst consequences suicide. Or murder.
~Author : Susan Sontag Wise Quotes

I see my body as an instrument, rather than an ornament.
~Author : Alanis Morissette Motivational Sayings

Nothing can be created from nothing.
~Author : Lucretius De Rerum Natura Famous Quotes

Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers. In the perfect stranger we perceive man himself; the image of a God is not disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts of wisdom of a mustache.
~Author : G K Chesterton Inspirational Sayings

Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or lifetime is certain for those who are friends.
~Author : Richard Bach Nice Quotes

It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be.
~Author : Virgil Great Sayings

These people who are always briskly doing something and as busy as waltzing mice, they have little, sharp, staccato ideas, such as ‘I see where I can make an annual cut of 3.47 in my meat budget.’ But they have no slow, big ideas.
~Author : Brenda Ueland Meaningful Sayings

Angels may be very excellent sort of folk in their own way, but we, poor mortals in our present state, would probably find them precious slow company.
~Author : Jerome K Jerome Wise Quotes

Archbishop: a Christian ecclesiastic of a rank superior to that attained by Christ.
~Author : H L Mencken Motivational Sayings

It is not I who have been consigned to the bedroom of history.
~Author : Corazn Cojuangco Aquino Famous Quotes

We pass the word around we ponder how the case is put by different people, we read the poetry we meditate over the literature we play the music we change our minds we reach an understanding. Society evolves this way, not by shouting each other down, but by the unique capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other.
~Author : Lewis Thomas Inspirational Sayings

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
~Author : Confucius Nice Quotes

If people become ecstatic the whole society will have to change, because this society is based on misery. If people are blissful you cannot lead them to war — to Vietnam, or to Egypt, or to Israel. No. Someone who is blissful will just laugh and say: This is nonsense!
~Author : Osho My Way The Way of The White Clouds Great Sayings

More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent.
~Author : William Ashley Meaningful Sayings

What a glorious garden of wonders the lights of Broadway would be to anyone lucky enough to be unable to read.
~Author : GK Chesterton Wise Quotes

We must never allow the future to be weighed down by memory. For children have no past, and that is the whole secret of the magical innocence of their smiles.
~Author : Milan Kundera The Book of Laughter and Forgetting Motivational Sayings

Kenny Ausubel Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another.
~Author : Kenny Ausubel Famous Quotes

There has already been published by the bucketfuls such brazen lies and utter fictions about me that I would long since have gone to my grave if I had let myself pay attention to that.
~Author : Albert Einstein Inspirational Sayings

Religion is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions.
~Author : Author Unknown Nice Quotes

A friend is, as it were, a second self.
~Author : Cicero De Amicitia Great Sayings

No man was ever so much deceived by another as by himself.
~Author : Greville Meaningful Sayings

If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient in them, we shall end in certainties.
~Author : Francis Bacon Wise Quotes

Is sex dirty? Only if you do it right.
~Author : Woody Allen Motivational Sayings

If dogs could talk, perhaps we’d find it just as hard to get along with them as we do with people.
~Author : Diana Black Famous Quotes

If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things.
~Author : Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Inspirational Sayings

Reality is only just a word.
~Author : Harry Chapin Nice Quotes

Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
~Author : H L Mencken Great Sayings

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
~Author : Mark Twain Meaningful Sayings

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence he is just using his memory.
~Author : Leonardo DaVinci Wise Quotes

Love works in miracles every day such as weakening the strong, and strengthening the weak making fools of the wise, and wise men of fools favouring the passions, destroying reason, and in a word, turning everything topsy-turvy.
~Author : Marguerite de Valois Motivational Sayings

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could some blunders and absurdities have crept in forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
~Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson Famous Quotes

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.
~Author : Margaret Hilda Thatcher Inspirational Sayings

Spring is when life’s alive in everything.
~Author : Christina G Rossetti Nice Quotes

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
~Author : W B Yeats Great Sayings

An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather.
~Author : Washington Irving Meaningful Sayings

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite.
~Author : Paul Dirac Wise Quotes

Are you going to come quietly, or do I have to use earplugs?
~Author : Spike Milligan from The Goon Show Motivational Sayings

A good many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus.
~Author : Herbert Hoover Famous Quotes

I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy.
~Author : Richard Feynman Inspirational Sayings

Must be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality, as a ballast to thought and sentiment. Health requires this relaxation, this aimless life
~Author : Henry David Thoreau Nice Quotes

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
~Author : Mark Twain Great Sayings

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.
~Author : Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Meaningful Sayings

Speech is human, silence is divine, yet also brutish and dead therefore we must learn both arts.
~Author : Thomas Carlyle Wise Quotes

Your mind must always go, even while you’re shaking hands and going through all the maneuvers. I developed the ability long ago to do one thing while thinking about another.
~Author : Richard Milhous Nixon Motivational Sayings

Marya Mannes Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

If American men are obsessed with money, American women are obsessed with weight. The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss, and I do not know which talk is the more boring.
~Author : Marya Mannes Famous Quotes

Real programmers don’t comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
~Author : Anon Inspirational Sayings

I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as president I must put the interests of America first … Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow.
~Author : Richard Milhous Nixon Nice Quotes

Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us that injury that provokes it.
~Author : Seneca Great Sayings

About the time we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends.
~Author : Herbert Hoover Meaningful Sayings

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone
~Author : James Thurber Wise Quotes

Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.
~Author : Eric Hoffer Motivational Sayings

The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason.
~Author : Marya Mannes Famous Quotes

Without words, without writing and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity.
~Author : Hermann Hesse Inspirational Sayings

Minds of moderate caliber ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range.
~Author : Francois De La Rochefoucauld Nice Quotes

I speak BASIC to clients, 1-2-3 to management, and mumble to myself.
~Author : Anon Great Sayings

Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
~Author : C S Lewis Meaningful Sayings

Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.
~Author : Charles Augustin SainteBeauve Wise Quotes

You could not step twice into the same river for other waters are ever flowing on to you.
~Author : Heraclitus Motivational Sayings

For flavor, instant sex will never supercede the stuff you have to peel and cook.
~Author : Quentin Crisp Famous Quotes

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
~Author : Anne Frank Diary of a Young Girl 1952 Inspirational Sayings

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.
~Author : Dom Helder Camara Nice Quotes

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little course, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble.
~Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson Great Sayings

All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions.
~Author : Adlai Ewing Stevenson Meaningful Sayings

A hit, a very palpable hit.
~Author : William Shakespeare Wise Quotes

To understand this fully, one must transcend from the duality of ‘for’ and ‘against’ into one organic unity which is without distinctions.
~Author : Bruce Lee Motivational Sayings

Acting is standing up naked and turning around very slowly.
~Author : Rosalind Russell Famous Quotes

Mathematics is the queen of the sciences.
~Author : Carl Friedrich Gauss Inspirational Sayings

We have to realize that we are as deeply afraid to live and to love as we are to die.
~Author : Ronald David Laing Nice Quotes

In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of effort is the measure of the results.
~Author : James Allen Great Sayings

Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people.
~Author : Philip Guedalla Meaningful Sayings

He who endeavors to serve, to benefit, and improve the world, is like a swimmer, who struggles against a rapid current, in a river lashed into angry waves by the winds. Often they roar over his head, often they beat him back and baffle him. Most men yield to the stress of the current… Only here and there the stout, strong heart and vigorous arms struggle on toward ultimate success.
~Author : Albert Pike Wise Quotes

A child develops individuality long before he develops taste. I have seen my kid straggle into the kitchen in the morning with outfits that need only one accessory an empty gin bottle.
~Author : Erma Bombeck Motivational Sayings

Rosalind Russell as Aunti Mame Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving.
~Author : Rosalind Russell as Aunti Mame Famous Quotes

It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
~Author : Henry Ford Inspirational Sayings

I hope that one or two immortal lyrics will come out of all this tumbling around.
~Author : Poet Louise Bogan Nice Quotes

He who has great power should use it lightly.
~Author : Lucius Annaeus Seneca Great Sayings

The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise.
~Author : George Santayana Meaningful Sayings

Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
~Author : Bertolt Brecht Wise Quotes

Whatever else may divide us, Europe is our common home; a common fate has linked us through the centuries, and it continues to link us today.
~Author : Leonid Brezhnev Motivational Sayings

And I said to the one who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the Unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’
~Author : Minnie Haskins Famous Quotes

Once conform, once do what others do because they do it, and a kind of lethargy steals over all the finer senses of the soul.
~Author : Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Inspirational Sayings

Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well as now.
~Author : P Barnum Nice Quotes

Ideology is a form of illiteracy. Those addicted to it are unable to understand anything other than what fits their pattern.
~Author : John Saul Great Sayings

It is a good idea to be ambitious, to have goals, to want to be good at what you do, but it is a terrible mistake to let drive and ambition get in the way of treating people with kindness and decency. The point is no that they will then be nice to you. It is that you will feel better about yourself.
~Author : Robert Solow Meaningful Sayings

It’s not what happens to you it’s what you do about it that makes the difference.
~Author : Wilson Mitchell Wise Quotes

Justice will only exist where those not affected by injustice are filled with the same amount of indignation as those offended.
~Author : Plato Motivational Sayings

The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
~Author : Douglas Adams The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Famous Quotes

You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony.
~Author : John Barrymore Inspirational Sayings

A minute’s success pays the failure of years.
~Author : Robert Browning Nice Quotes

In all thy undertakings, let a reasonable assurance animate thy endeavors if thou despairest of success, thou shalt not succeed.
~Author : Akhenaton Great Sayings

I have learned not to worry about love but to honor its coming with all my heart.
~Author : Alice Walker Meaningful Sayings

Everything you do or say is public relations.
~Author : Unknown Wise Quotes

Life has no rehearsals, only performances.
~Author : Unknown Motivational Sayings

It’s not a problem that we have a problem. It’s a problem if we don’t deal with the problem.
~Author : Mary Kay Utech Famous Quotes

It is commonly observed that a sudden wealth, like a prize drawn in a lottery or a large bequest to a poor family, does not permanently enrich. They have served no apprenticeship to wealth, and with the rapid wealth come rapid claims which they do not know how to deny, and the treasure is quickly dissipated.
~Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson Inspirational Sayings

People who have given us their complete confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights.
~Author : Friedrich Nietzsche Nice Quotes

Neither great poverty nor great riches will hear reason.
~Author : Henry Fielding Great Sayings

A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
~Author : Eleanor Roosevelt Meaningful Sayings

Shah is a kind of magic word with the Persian people.
~Author : Mohammed Reza Pahlavi Wise Quotes

Brutality creates respect.
~Author : Adolph Hitler Motivational Sayings

George Stanley McGovern Famous Quotes

July 9, 2009

To those who charge that liberalism has been tried and found wanting, I answer that the failure is not in the idea, but in the course of recent history. The New Deal was ended by World War II. The New Frontier was closed by Berlin and Cuba almost before it was opened. And the Great Society lost its greatness in the jungles of Indochina.
~Author : George Stanley McGovern Famous Quotes

He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
~Author : Moroccan Proverb Inspirational Sayings

I believe that if i should die, and you were to walk near my grave, from the very depths of the earth I would hear your footsteps.
~Author : Benito Perez Galdos Nice Quotes

These young Americans sent a message to terrorists everywhere … You can run but you can’t hide. (On US pilots who captured four terrorists)
~Author : Ronald Reagan Great Sayings

We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally.
~Author : Nguyen Co Thatch Vietnamese foreign minister Meaningful Sayings

A critic is a legless man who teaches running.
~Author : Channing Pollock Wise Quotes

To please everybody is impossible were I to undertake it, I should probably please nobody.
~Author : George Washington Motivational Sayings

When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame.
~Author : Dan Quayle Famous Quotes

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than saying a drunken man is happier than a sober man.
~Author : George Bernard Shaw Inspirational Sayings

This Being of mine, whatever it really is, consists of a little flesh, a little breath, and the part which governs.
~Author : Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Nice Quotes

You never know what’s hit you. A gunshot is the perfect way. (When asked how he would choose to die)
~Author : John Fitzgerald Kennedy Great Sayings

Faith must have adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition.
~Author : Alexander Hodge Meaningful Sayings

The belief that there are other life forms in the universe is a matter of faith. There is not a single shred of evidence for any other life forms, and in forty years of searching, none has been discovered. There is absolutely no evidentiary reason to maintain this belief.
~Author : Michael Crichton Caltech Michelin Lecture January 17 2003 Wise Quotes

It has never been my object to record my dreams, just to realize them.
~Author : Man Ray O Magazine September 2002 Motivational Sayings

Nothing is so perfectly amusing as a total change of ideas.
~Author : Laurence Sterne Famous Quotes

At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.” It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.” You can love completely without complete understanding.
~Author : Norman Maclean A River Runs Through It Inspirational Sayings

Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep; for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.
~Author : Paxton Hood Nice Quotes

Love has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
~Author : Antoine de SaintExupery Great Sayings

Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.
~Author : Evelyn Waugh Meaningful Sayings

I have long considered it one of God’s greatest mercies that the future is hidden from us. If it were not, life would surely be unbearable.
~Author : Eugene Forsey Wise Quotes

He who will not economize will have to agonize.
~Author : Confucius Motivational Sayings

We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.
~Author : Baronne Anne Louise Germaine Necker de Stal Stal Famous Quotes

Life is very important to Americans.
~Author : Bob Dole Inspirational Sayings

O, throw away the worser part of it, And live the purer with the other half.
~Author : Shakespeare Hamlet III iv 156160 Nice Quotes

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.
~Author : Kahlil Gibran Great Sayings

It is the way we react to circumstances that determines our feelings.
~Author : Dale Carnegie Meaningful Sayings

Behind the phony tinsel of Hollywood lies the real tinsel.
~Author : Oscar Levant Wise Quotes

You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
~Author : Irish Proverb Motivational Sayings